Stuff is coming out a little slower for the moment with holidays approaching and me taking on far too much at once. Good news though is this Mouthwashing painting is coming out awesome so far! normally I'm not too good with storytelling in illustrations or funky compositions, but I feel like I'm really nailing it with this one, its my go-to thing I'm doing as a warm-up before getting work done.
Speaking of work, I've been busy applying to more jobs, animation is still on a downer so I've started looking at other creative work. Doing all the cover letters takes forever ugh. Anyways besides that I'm just queued up on one art trade (cult of the lamb animation loop), an illustration for the upcoming NMH Zine (exciting) and a commissioned animation.
I've decided and my next personal animations will be a quick RDR2 meme, and a short about the job centre (they told me an animation job was a pipe-dream without ever checking my portfolio).
Anyways, happy holidays again guys :P